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5 Ways You're Eating Breakfast Wrong

The morning meal is more complicated than you think.

1. You fry eggs during a pan
Scramble eggs during a microwave-safe mug and cook till firm (usually concerning one minute). you will get super-fluffy eggs while not greasy oil and additional dishes.

2. You open new cereal from the highest of the bag. 
Cereal settles. Flip the bag (or the whole box) before you open it to spread any clusters or larger items. Bonus: you will not be curst a bowl packed with crumbs once you reach the lowest of the bag.

3. You drink coffee and eat yogurt. 
To mainline caffeine while you feed yourself, blend chilled coffee with yogurt and ice. Add your go-to sweetener to taste.

4. You cook your oatmeal. 
Even instant oatmeal takes time to cook and funky. Instead, create a no-cook version of old school oats, that area unit freed from extraneous ingredients (guar gum?) found in tasteful oatmeal packets. in an exceedingly tiny Mason jar, mix equal amounts of oatmeal and any reasonably milk. Add a drizzle of syrup and couple tablespoons of edible fruit. (You will even sprinkle cinnamon if you wish to induce *~fAnCy~*.) Then cowl and pop it within the electric refrigerator. The oats soften nightlong and style dead smart cold, therefore you'll grab it and move into the morning.

5. You pour cereal from the box. Who's idea was this? It's a disaster waiting to happen. To prevent a mess and keep your serving size in check, use a measuring cup to scoop out cereal. If you eat cereal more often than you measure food, just leave the cup in the box.

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