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5 mistakes that can get you pregnant even when you’re on the pill

Here's what you need to keep in mind if you don't want to get pregnant while you're on birth control pills.

Many women elect pill pills and it's one in all the foremost ordinarily used variety of contraception everywhere the globe. In fact, doctors estimate that it's ninety nine.7% effective, provided it's taken specifically as directed by your specialist. However, despite that, there area unit possibilities of haphazard gestation if you aren’t careful whereas being on the pill. Here’s why researchers say it'd be best to avoid having pill pills. There area unit many factors which will directly interfere with the effectiveness of the pill and find you pregnant. Dr Nandita Palshetkar, specialist and physiological condition professional at Lilavati hospital and Dr Y S Nandanwar, faculty member and Head of Department, medical specialty, Lokmanya Tilak Medical faculty and Sion Hospital, Mumbai, say these area unit the 5 commonest mistakes that ladies create whereas on the pill which will end in associate unwanted gestation.

1. You’re irregular with consuming the pill:

The amount between every pill mustn't exceed quite twenty four hours. bear in mind that you simply ought to take your pill at an equivalent time each day. as an example, if you started taking your birth control pill pill within the morning, be consistent and follow that point. Don’t build the error of taking the pill within the night and making fluctuations with the timings on a everyday. this might scale back the effectiveness of the pill drastically.

2. You missed more than two pills:

In my thirty five years of observe, taking the pill on an irregular basis is that the most typical reason why contraception pills fail,’ says Dr Nandanwar. within the 1st few days you have got started taking the pill, missing even in some unspecified time in the future may end in associate degree unwanted physiological state. this is often as a result of the primary week of taking contraception pills square measure very important in preventing the egg from forming. However, if you incomprehensible  taking the pill for every day, take 2 pills the terribly next day to avoid obtaining pregnant. On the opposite hand, if you incomprehensible  taking the pill for quite 2 days then had unprotected sex, it could lead on to physiological state. in this case, take associate degree emergency pill at intervals twenty four hours or consult your specialist. If you’re forgetful, set reminders on your phone and maintain a diary to recollect whether or not you took your pill or not.

3. You’re suffering from diarrhea or vomiting:  

If you have got symptom for quite twenty four hours or perhaps if you vomit a couple of hours once taking the pill, there’s a high probability the pill wasn’t absorbed by your body, says Dr Palshetkar. this might additionally lead to an unpredictable maternity. Avoid having unprotected sex particularly if you threw up a couple of times on a daily basis as your pill are going to be rendered useless.

4. You had unprotected sex after you just started taking the pill:

Normally, pill pills square measure started either on the second or the fifth day of the amount. If you started taking contraception pills within the middle of your cycle, you can’t have unprotected sex for a minimum of seven days. check that your partner uses condoms till then.

5. You exposed your pills to high temperatures:

Birth control pills mustn't be exposed to high temperatures as this may scale back their potency. Avoid going them in your automobile or by your window, particularly throughout summers once mercury levels rise higher than forty degrees Anders Celsius. Instead, keep them in an exceedingly drawer off from direct daylight. ‘Avoid shopping for these pills for 6 months and storing them for too long as their quality may get compromised. Instead, get pills which will decent for less than a month,’ says Dr Nandanwar

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