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Do you have any tips for first-time sex?

Here are my 10 commandments for first-time sex, whether it's your first time ever or just with a new guy. While I can't guarantee you a religious experience, if you follow my lead I can promise you a sexual experience that will be all the more satisfying.
1.) Basic safety initial. There isn't any these kinds of factor since entirely risk-free sexual intercourse, nevertheless, you positive may be less hazardous. Ensure he has sporting any condom (even when you might be around the Capsule) and also speak about the individual sex histories. I am aware it could appear to be any buzz-kill, yet heterosexual females use a increased chance regarding being infected with a great STI (sexually carried contamination) as compared to guys, so it is your responsibility to adopt any practical fascination with the sex well being.
2.) Don't have too-high expectations. Sex generally improves as you get to know someone and become more comfortable with each other's bodies. So don't feel pressured to make it the best night ever, because this is just the first of many.
3.) Breathe. First-time sex can be tense and nerve-wracking, not to mention painful sometimes. Taking long, deep breaths can help you relax and let go.
4.) Don't forget to enjoy foreplay. All the stuff that leads up to intercourse — kissing, touching, oral sex — is part of the sexual experience; it's not just about penetration.
5.) Make sure you're amply aroused before intercourse. Not only do you want to be genuinely turned on, you want to be sufficiently lubricated. If you're too dry, he'll have trouble entering you, you'll feel discomfort, and the friction can cause the condom to rip. So, keep water–based lube on hand just in case.
6.) Speak up. Let him know what feels good, and what doesn't. Guys crave feedback, so don't be shy about clueing him in.
7.) Don't assume he's the expert. He may be getting a lot of his information about sex from porn and the tall tales of his buddies in the locker room. And, even if he is experienced, every sexual encounter is unique. He's just as worried about pleasing you as you are about getting him off.


Don't expect to have an orgasm. Of course, it's great if you do. But, most women don't climax the first few times with a new guy. Orgasms come with a sense of comfort and specific knowledge of each other's bodies, and that takes time.


Don't fake it. If you do, you'll only be cheating yourself. Letting him know you came close and want to get there with him will keep him motivated.


Their manhood might breakdown. Men obtain nervous as well. Early climax as well as erection trouble are typical the very first time a guy sleeps along with somebody. In the event that he's an issue, do not help to make an issue from it or even be concerned that there are some thing incorrect along with you or even your own link. Most likely, it'll function by itself away.

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